Welcome to LightningCalc

...the math game for everyone

Ready for some Brain Stimulating Fun?

Little guy having fun with Math

card deck

  1. Grab a deck of playing cards
  2. Take out all those pesky Face-cards and Jokers
  3. Deal 4 cards face up
  4. Tell your opponents to get ready
  5. Turn the Fifth card over (place it separate from the first 4) and say "GO!"

The first person to figure a way to make the first 4 cards equal the 5th card with addition, subtraction multiplication, and/or division (+, -, x, or /); and using all 4 cards one time; shouts "Lightning." If their solution works, this player Wins the round and takes the 5 cards. You deal the next round until the deck is done.

Person with the most cards Wins the game. (Then you play again and again!)

Here's the Twist. Some combinations of cards have no solution. So, a person can Win the round by shouting "Lightning" and claming there is no soultion.

But how do you really know there is NO Solution?

HERE is how you find out